This tour blends the best of India’s art and culture taking you through some of the most popular destinations. Your tour will begin in the capital city Delhi which rewards the determined sightseer with more than a thousand monuments. Continue your journey to discover the proud and valorous regal splendour of Rajasthan amongst its magnificent forts and palaces, mansions and landscaped estates. The stunning home ground of the valorous Rajput kings and warrior clans- the ancient kingdom of Rajputana- now India’s richly endowed state of Rajasthan, continues to allure visitors with its promise of a kaleidoscope of holiday experiences. Stay in some of the most amazing royal tents and aristocratic mansions that stand testimony to its wonderful history and lineage.


This itinerary has been designed by to experience the landscape penned in Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book travelling through quiet dirt forest tracks and undulating trails along this connecting forest landscape, home to a number of elusive tigers. Drive past quaint and untouched tribal village communities that often bear the brunt of conflict with both predators and crop raiding prey like spotted deer, wild pig and Nilgai antelope. The ride is designed for clients who like biking, are fit (or want to get fit!) and adventurous, but do not have to be expert off-road bikers. They should however enjoy a physical challenge, as they will cover between 45 kms and 65 kms each day, or 8 hours in the bike saddle, in glorious forest or rural terrain, most of it easy biking for those used to off road biking, but there are one or two uphill challenges and some fun off road downhills. The two nights of the trip are spent in a comfortable pre-set tented camp, besides forests and near village fields.


This tour is an exciting mix of birding in some lesser known areas and safaris in search of the elusive tiger and the leopard in the Rajasthan. You will travel to Ranthambhore National Park, and then travel further to some off the beaten track destinations Nimaj and Jawai. Ranthambhore National Park is said to be one of the most picturesque game reserves in the world, and is noted for its tigers. Other predators here are the leopards, caracal, hyena, jackal and jungle cat. Marsh crocodiles can also be seen basking by the banks of the lakes. Some of its many species of birds are the great Indian horned owl, various species of eagle, painted and white-necked stock, spoonbill, partridge and quail. Back in 1891, the lord of the small village of Nimaj dammed the neighbouring rivers in order to create a natural water reserve which is still incredibly precious today in face of terrible periods of drought. Today the lake is surrounded by lush green fields of wheat, mustard, cotton and chillies and vast grazing pastures, this hundred – year old reservoir with a periphery of about 10 kilometers is an ideal destination for nature lovers and a perfect getaway from the chaotic city life. Migratory birds have also discovered the paradise ducks, pelicans and cranes frolic in the waters of the lake. Continue your journey to Jawai at the heart of an untrammeled wilderness, where leopards roam wild and free. The region is home to the charismatic Rabari herdsmen, a people at peace with the indigenous wildlife, including the resident spotted cat, the ultimate showstopper that captivates guests both at camp and on safari.


This premier birding journey takes you to some of the best birding spots in the country. Arrive in Delhi and then travel Bharatpur, home of Keoladeo National Park, one of the great ornithological wetland wonders of the world. A birders’ paradise for long, the historic park continues to attract birding enthusiasts from around the globe. Next you will head north to Corbett National Park – home to over 600 species of avifauna, apart from its fabulous wealth of wildlife including the Asiatic elephant, tigers, bears and leopards. Continue your journey through the densely forested river valleys to the Binsar wildlife sanctuary, situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. Home to more than 200 species of native and migratory birds this 49 sq kms of forest has been declared as an “Important bird Area” by Bird life International.


Travel to India for a program of community service and cultural immersion, to spend time in the tiger regions of the country, as well as explore some of the most historic and culturally rich cities.  You will get an opportunity to visit and interact with under privileged children in the acclaimed NGO “Adharshila”. Adharshila (Adhar: foundation, shila: stone) is a recently formed NGO located in New Delhi whose mission is to  the upliftment of the underprivileged section of society by striving to empower and enable them, especially women, through vocational training programs, social justice initiatives, advocating human rights, counselling and awareness workshops. This tour will also give a fascinating experience of India’s wildlife offering something different for those who want to become involved in ongoing tiger and wildlife conservation programmes and learn more about the ongoing work happening on the ground to preserve the delicate ecosystems of the parks. During the trip you will search for tigers and their prey in Ranthambhore, one of India’s premier national parks and has been the stage for many books, films and documentary on tigers. Meet park rangers and experts behind the research projects and conservation programmes.  You will also be visiting four UNSECO world heritage declared monuments in Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.




  • Explore the lanes of Old Delhi on a morning cycling tour 

Private Access / Exclusive exploration

  • Tour of the private quarters of the City Palace in Jaipur 


  • Cooking demonstration and meal with a local family in Delhi or Jaipur.
  • Street food walk in Delhi or Jaipur 


  • Block Printing workshop in Jaipur

Walking tours

  • Walking tour of Jaipur in the morning to witness the city awake 

Community Service:

  • Visit the SHEROES café in Agra that employs acid attack survivors
  • Visit the wildlife SOS Elephant rescue centre in Agra


This tour takes us on a wild journey through the jungles of central India which was Rudyard Kipling’s source of inspiration for his “Jungle Book”. Visit Kanha National Park rated as one of the best places on earth for tiger spotting. In the hot weather most water sources dry up and the game is concentrated around the few remaining water sources.  Therefore summer is the best time to observe and photograph tigers of central India.



  • Walk in the spice markets in Delhi

Ancient Temple Architecture / Spirituality

  • Visit Akshardham Temple in Delhi

Community Service:

  • Visit an NGO in Delhi


During the course of this extraordinary journey, the riders become a part of the breath-taking landscape, almost ‘at one’ with the surroundings, and get to see historical monuments and scenery which might be missed on a more conventional Safari. Add to this, the expertly schooled horses and professional guiding, you will have the Safari of a lifetime.


This tour is ideal for those interested in the ancient physical and mental practices of Yoga and for those who wants to indulge into the spiritually enriched Indian culture. The one and a half week tour traverses through the capital city Delhi, the Himalayan foothills: Dharamshala – centres of Buddhist and Hindu religions and philosophies, Rishikesh – known as world’s yoga capital, and Amritsar – City of Golden Temple. The emphasis in this tour besides the yoga sessions is also in the spiritual connection of each city you are visiting. The tour enables one to learn about ancient rituals and practices as well as engage in soul uplifting techniques through yoga. The tour is a combination of leisure time, site seeing and spiritual sessions, a great way to experience the “real” India.




  • Explore the lanes of Old Delhi on a morning cycling tour
  • Mountain biking in Dharamshala


  • Private Puja (worship) ceremony on the river ghats for prosperity and well-being


  • White water rafting in Rishikesh


Discover the proud and valorous regal splendour of Northern India amongst its magnificent forts and palaces, mansions and landscaped estates. The stunning home ground of the chivalrous Rajput kings and warrior clans – the ancient kingdom of Rajputana- now India’s richly endowed state of Rajasthan, continues to allure visitors with its promise of a kaleidoscope of holiday experiences. From the wilderness of sand dunes, sensuous Art Deco riches in Jodhpur, aristocratic grandeur of Deogarh Mahal, to the mighty ramparts of Amber, royal Rajasthan pampers you with its generous hospitality and luxurious splendour. Visit the eternal monument of love Taj Mahal at end of your adventure.



Private Access / Exclusive exploration

  • Experience Mehrangarh Fort by night on an exclusive tour with the curator himself
  • Tour of the private quarters of the City Palace in Jaipur


  • Cooking demonstration and meal with a local family in Jodhpur or Jaipur.
  • Walk in the spice markets in Delhi or Jodhpur
  • Street food walk in Delhi or Jaipur 

Ancient Temple Architecture / Spirituality

  • Visit Adharshila Temple in Delhi
  • Witness the evening worship ceremony at Birla Temple in Jaipur 


  • Block Printing workshop in Jaipur 

Community Service

  • Visit an NGO in Delhi
  • Visit the SHEROES café in Agra that employs acid attack survivors
  • Visit the wildlife SOS Elephant rescue centre in Agra


This ride is great way to experience up close Rajasthan – Land of the Kings – is steeped in romantic history, chivalry and valour. Formerly known as Rajputana, it boasts of the finest fortress-palaces, built with sandstone quarried from the land itself. In contrast with the pastel shades of the desert landscape are the brightly coloured costumes of its handsome people. With its turbaned men and richly jewelled women, its havelis and villages, its fairs and festivals, Rajasthan beckons you. Stay at four heritage hotels that highlight the character of the land. India’s Raja’s and Maharajahs of the past have turned their exotic estates, palaces, fortresses in cities, hotch-potch bazaars, countryside and forests into hotels. Heritage hotels is a grouping of such gems, and for a dedicated India ‘buff’, prepared to face the occasional technical imperfection and eccentricity of service or understanding, a visit to such locations give a rare insight into the world of princely India now largely lost.  You could be dining with a former maharaja or walking through his grand palace. With our chairperson’s connections you will be staying as privileged guests in owner run heritage hotels the owners and they will personally arrange or accompany you to explore the region on cycles and interacts with the local folks.

In the beginning of the tour we do visit all important cultural sites of India’s Golden Triangle – Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.



 Private Access / Exclusive exploration

  • Tour of the private quarters of the City Palace in Jaipur
  • Experience Mehrangarh Fort by night on an exclusive tour with the curator himself

Walking tours

  • Early morning walking tour of the walled city in Jaipur to witness the city wake up

Ancient Temple Architecture / Spirituality

  • Visit Akshardham Temple in Delhi
  • Visit to the Nagda and Eklingji temples in Udaipur
  • Witness the evening worship ceremony at Birla Temple in Jaipur


  • Ziplining in Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur

Community Service

  • Visit an NGO in Delhi
  • Visit the SHEROES café in Agra that employs acid attack survivors