Travel Agents

At Royal Expeditions we firmly believe in giving back to nature and helping our local communities. We believe we make a positive difference when we use eco-friendly accommodations. We support accommodation providers that are conscious of their environmental footprint.
Our Founder is also the director for Travel Operators for Tigers (TOFT) which is a unique collective action initiative to save tigers and their habitat across the Indian subcontinent. The Bike 4 Tigers trip takes visitors across two national parks educating them about the forests and the local community around it. We promote local art and culture in all the trips that we undertake. We have also pioneered in running trips that do not allow single use plastic.
We support various NGO’s that work towards the upliftment of the underprivileged children and women. Our school groups go as volunteers and interact with these children.
We support waste warriors which is a catalyst for practical and community-based waste initiatives in rural, urban, and protected areas and is a pioneer in innovative practice, research and education in the field of waste management.
Royal Expeditions promotes sustainable and conscious tourism in the three spheres of environment, socio-cultural and economic.


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