The Mancotta Tea Estate is set in the outskirts of Dibrugarh, in Upper Assam.
This iconic bungalow is built on stilts and showcases the colonial tea bungalow architecture to perfection. These structures, supported by stilts, are called “chang ghars” in the local dialect and the present-day name of the “Mancotta Chang Bungalow” is derived thus. This bungalow has a unique and rather interesting feature of not having used any iron nails in its flooring. All the nails are made of wood and are believed to have been handcrafted by traditional Chinese artisans.
Surrounded on all sides by the tea gardens, this bungalow encapsulates the serene, simple, yet utterly comfortable lifestyle of a tea estate manager. The bungalow no doubt served for decades as the superintending managers’ official residence but in the year 2001 was converted into a heritage property for tourists to Upper Assam to enable them to get a feel of the life in an estate away from the hustle bustle of a busy and hectic city life.