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The Maharajas of yesteryears too enjoyed their luxuries wherever they went and particularly so when out on shikar (hunting trips). The royal camp would be equipped with every comfort, regardless of what it took to create such luxury for the royal entourage. One of Rajasthan’s leading crafts and (now a popular export) are luxury tents and if you get the option to stay at the trend-setting Royal Jodhpur Tented Camp be assured of enjoying a living-historic experience that has long passed into legend for those who have been thus privileged to enjoy. Created from weather-proof cotton canvas these lavish tents are equipped with hand-crafted furniture and upholstery sourced locally. The outdoor verandah with each tent is the perfect sit-out for an early cup of tea. Traditional gourmet meals are arranged in the great dining tent while the soft desert evenings rock to the sounds and rhythms of local musicians, dancers, puppet shows, jugglers, flaming torches and camel parades.

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